Please read before coming to our grounds in 2021 so you know how our Covid-19 controls measures will affect you.
Please make every effort to comply with these guidelines, respecting all other visitors and remembering that we are implementing new procedures so some processes may take longer than normal. All players will be required to agree to following guidelines as a condition of play.
Swardeston CC Participant Guidance note
All participants in open-age cricket should be aware of the following measures:
- If you have a health condition that puts you at increased risk you should consider the risks of playing cricket.
- It is your choice to participate in a modified version of the game.
- If you have COVID-19 symptoms you should follow NHS and PHE guidance on self-isolation.
- Shield when applicable.
- There are increased risks associated with taking part in cricket activity.
- Comply with public health restrictions and avoid high-risk behaviour outside of the cricket setting.
- Follow legal gathering limits before and after cricket activities and act responsibly to limit transmission risks wherever possible.
- Social distancing and good hygiene practice should be maintained at all times at the venue.
- Limit the time spent congregating at a venue before and after the cricket activity.
- There will be no provision of match teas or drinks so bring your own food and drink and do not share water bottles.
- Sharing of equipment must be avoided wherever possible.
- Playing conditions have been adapted e.g. hygiene breaks.
- Sweat or saliva should not be applied to the ball.
- To read full guide see The Common Risk Assessment below.
Swardeston Trustees have carried out risk assessments of our grounds at The Common and Hilltops and for our Tuesday night youth training practice at both locations.
You can download them below. You can also see our checklist and participant guide which is reproduced above.
Updated 21 May 2021

The Common
Risk assessment for matches at The Common in 2021

Junior Training
The Common
To be read by all attending junior training at The Common 2021

CEYMS Hilltops
Risk assessment for matches at CEYMS Hilltops in 2021

Junior Training
To be read by all attending junior training at CEYMS Hilltops 2021