Junior coaching sessions at Swardeston Common – Tuesday evenings/Dynamos/All Stars
Protocols and procedures in place to prevent transmission of COVID-19
This document is to be read by ALL PARENTS and COACHES prior to attendance at any of the above sessions. There will be signage at the ground to remind you of the requirements.
Prior to departure
- Please stay at home if you or any of your family are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19
- Ensure lavatory break taken
- Ensure hands are cleaned using sanitising gel. Bring hand sanitizer to the session if possible
- Bring your own chairs for spectating – there will be no chairs provided by the Club
- Please note that current guidelines do not allow the sharing of lifts
- Arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the session
- Park at a reasonable distance from your neighbour
- You must register with the club before taking part in the session. The club will take details of the player’s and parent’s name and contact details and will collect session fees. Please do not join the registration queue if there are already more than 10 groups in the queue. Please observe social distancing while in the queue
- Your child will be directed to the relevant playing group for their age group
During the session
- Parents – please observe social distancing and rule of 6 rules at all times
- Players will be asked to sanitise at regular intervals during the session
- Players will be discouraged from sharing kit
- Players will need to shelter in their parents’ cars in the event of inclement weather
After the session
- Please ensure you depart in an efficient and orderly manner
Please note the following in respect of club facilities
- Male and female toilets will be open but only for use one at a time
- A ’covid club room’ will be open for the purpose of providing support for any child that has been injured during the session. This is located in the home changing room.
- The bar and clubhouse will be closed until further notice other than the village hall toilets
Junior coaching sessions at Hilltops – Tuesday evenings
Protocols and procedures in place to prevent transmission of COVID-19
This document is to be read by ALL PARENTS and COACHES prior to attendance at any of the above sessions. There will be signage at the ground to remind you of the requirements.
Prior to departure
- Please stay at home if you or any of your family are exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19
- Ensure lavatory break taken
- Ensure hands are cleaned using sanitising gel. Bring hand sanitizer to the session if possible
- Bring your own chairs for spectating – there will be no chairs provided by the Club
- Please note that current guidelines do not allow the sharing of lifts
- Arrive no earlier than 15 minutes before the start of the session
- Park at a reasonable distance from your neighbour
- You must register with the club before taking part in the session. The club will take details of the player’s and parent’s name and contact details and will collect session fees. Please do not join the registration queue if there are already more than 10 groups in the queue. Please observe social distancing while in the queue
- Your child will be directed to the relevant playing group for their age group
During the session
- Parents – please observe social distancing and rule of 6 or household rules at all times
- Players will be asked to sanitise at regular intervals during the session
- Players will be discouraged from sharing kit
- Players will need to shelter in their parents’ cars in the event of inclement weather
After the session
- Please ensure you depart in an efficient and orderly manner
Please note the following in respect of club facilities:
- Unisex toilets will be open but only for use one at a time
- A ’covid club room’ will be open for the purpose of treating any child that has been injured during the session. This is located in the umpires’ room of the clubhouse