D.O.B: 08/08/2000
Player type: Batting All-Rounder
Nationality: English
Playing role: Goalscorer up top in warm-up.
Teams: Swardeston CC
Career best batting: 143
Career best bowling: 6/66
1. What is your proudest cricket achievement?
Playing at Lords.
2. Who is the best cricketer you have played with?
Joe Gatting
3. What is your favourite ground other than The Common?
Favourite ground I’ve played at has to be Lords!
4. What one tip (advice) would you pass on to our juniors?
Keep enjoying it and try everything you can!
5. How did your love of cricket blossom and develop, do your family or relatives play?
Watching Dad (Kevin Cooper) play at the common as a kid gave me a massive incentive to represent the club there!
6. Do you have a nickname, and if so please explain its significance?
7. Which team-mate has the best taste in clothes?
Joe Flatt
8. Which team-mate is the tidiest in the changing room?
9. Which team-mate has the best taste in music?
Miff’s tunes on awaydays do the job!
10. In your opinion who is the funniest player at the club?
11. What other sports do you enjoy playing and would recommend to youngster to play and which may complement their cricket
I would say just try as many different sports as possible!