Swardeston Cricket Club have benefited from the Waitrose England team sponsorship and have been fortunate to receive support from the Eaton store on two initiatives this summer.
During August we were lucky enough to be selected as one of the community organisations to receive a donation from Waitrose’s Community Matters scheme where customers use a green token at the end of their shop to vote for how much is to be donated to particular local charities.
Our grants manager Kevin Denmark is pictured receiving a cheque for £243 from Waitrose’s Community Matters Branch Champion Mel Spillman and David Moore.
Earlier in the season the club was given £100 in support of the its open day on Saturday 18 July. This was part of a nationwide promotion where the ECB was hoping for 1000 clubs to sign up and open their doors to the community.
Below, club catering manager Carol Thomas is pictured at Waitrose in Eaton with Dawn Harvey, left and Melanie Spillman, Community Matters Branch Champion.