Where did you start playing and how old were you?
In year five at Woodbridge school, when cricket was first introduced to the girls
Thinking about getting into cricket which is a male dominated sport.
If anything, this motivates me even more to continue playing and improving as I am eager to breakdown as many stereotypes around women in sport as possible.
What do you see as the obstacles in cricket to get girls and women playing?
- that it is seen as a ‘men’s’ sport,
- lack of confidence in skill
- not enough coverage on female cricket role models
What have you learned so far through playing cricket?
There is so much more to it than just playing the game, from tactics to positions – and teamwork quite literally makes the dreamwork. Also, I learnt early on to not be afraid of the ball, and if it’s ‘flying by; go for the dive’.
Do you have any superstitions before a match?
I have a little ritual with my keepers gloves pre-match and have to tap the ground three times with my bat before I take my guard… weird, I know.
Batter or bowler?
Wicket keeper (and batter on a good day)
Slip or cover?
What is your greatest cricketing achievement?
Being selected and playing for Norfolk for three years was a great and rewarding experience.
Who is the best cricketer you have played with?
Beth Harmer.
What is your favourite ground?
The grounds at Malvern College.
Which one bit of advice would you pass on to women or girls wanting to start playing?
Have confidence in your ability and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
How did your love of cricket blossom or develop?
I played in a one-off indoor match and loved it, and when I tried it out on in the nets and outside, I realised it was so different to any other sport I’d played- I was hooked!
Do your family or relatives play?
No, just me!
Which recent team-mate has the best taste in clothes?
Definitely Beth Hood
In your opinion who is the funniest cricketer you know?
Anyone who thinks it’s a good idea for me to bowl …..
Which other sports do you enjoy playing and would recommend to take up?
I play hockey and am also a cross country runner.
Indoor or outdoor cricket?
What is the first thing you pack before a match?
Snacks. Vital.