Swardeston Cricket Club is pleased to announce we have now arranged winter training for our youth section.
Jason Reynolds, Youth Coordinator at Swardeston, said: “These winter training sessions are open to new and existing players, so please feel free to spread the word among friends.
“The main emphasis is to allow players to brush away the cobwebs from the winter and get back into the swing before we look at some technical, tactical and physical elements of the game, giving that head start for when the summer arrives.”
Details for the training sessions are as follows:
Swardeston Youth Winter Training
U15s: Friday 26 January and Friday 9 March 2018
U9s, U11s, U13s: Tuesday 23 February and Friday 6 April 2018.
All sessions are 7pm-9pm and all sessions are free!
All sessions will be held at Hethersett Academy. (Queen’s Rd, Hethersett, Norwich NR9 3DB).
Please reply to swardestonjuniorcricket@gmail.com to confirm your attendance. Due to coach ratio and space available, each session will be limited to 24 players.
If you have any questions please email Jason on the above email address.