On behalf of Swardeston Cricket Club I would like to welcome you and your child to the club for the 2009 season and give you some information on how we propose to operate the club’s youth section this summer.
Again we are proud to continue our amalgamation with the CEYMS organisation (now in its 8 season) and with their generous support our aim is to expand our youth coaching programme for the coming season.
We will again be using the CEYMS Hilltops Ground for matches, and taking advantage of the excellent net facilities. This season we will try to be using Swardeston Common for predominately fielding practice and specialised cricket skills.
Swardeston provides opportunities for young people between the ages of seven and seventeen to receive coaching and competition in the game of cricket. All coaching is by qualified coaches who are trained and have been screened for their suitability for working with young people.
During 2005 Swardeston became one of only a handful of clubs in Norfolk and one of only 500 nationally to have achieved the ECB’s ClubMark accreditation. This status was successfully retained in 2008 and remains an ongoing commitment. ClubMark accreditation proves Swardeston is a club where parents can send their children safe in the knowledge they will be well looked after and enjoy their cricket. We were also made a focus club by the Norfolk Cricket Board.
We welcome parents to all training and competitions and value your support. We are keen to try and involve parents in the club and for this purpose the Swardeston Social Club will be open on practice nights for you to ‘enjoy a pint’ or ‘a glass of wine’. A selection of hot food will also be available together with the opportunity to meet other club members.
One way you can stay in touch is by becoming a member of our website. This is our main means of communicating with all club members and we would strongly encourage you to sign up so you can stay up to date with club news and events.
As you can imagine the running costs of a club our size are vast and we are always open to any form of financial support. To that end if you would be interested in becoming a vice-president of the club, or have any ideas or possible leads to potential sponsors then please contact me and I will be pleased to direct you in the direction or the appropriate person within the club.
We will once again be entering sides in the Norfolk Alliance competitions in the U11, U13 and U15 age groups. The U13s and U15s have also been entered in their respective national competitions and the club has accepted invitations to participate in the Horsford CC Cricket Festival later in the summer.
As you can see a full season lies ahead and our hope is that each age group will either practice or play a match at least once a week.
Below is information about team managers contact details. All ages practice will be on Tuesday evening’s from 6.15pm-8.00pm starting 5 May for 11 weeks finishing 14 July.
Under 11’s Manager: Kevin Cooper (H) 01603 250300 (M) 07979 503036
Under 13’s Manager: Neil Taylor (H) 01953 606568 (M) 07761 866572
Under 15’s Manager: Neil Bridgstock (H) 01508 470471 (M) 07774 296023
Under 17’s Manager: Peter Thomas (H) 01508 570342 (M) 07802 371254
Kwik cricket Tuesdays 6.15 – 8pm
Club Welfare Officer: Chris Watts 07917 184110
Arrangements should be made for your child to travel to and from training sessions and matches. We appreciate it if children can arrive and are collected promptly. If you are going to be late picking up your child, please contact the appropriate coach and let them know. Please ensure they are signed in and out.
Club training kit requirements are, cricket shirt, trousers, trainers/boots and all protective equipment, ie: helmet, gloves pads and groin protector.
There is no annual subscription this season. A charge of £3 per session will be levied and should be made prior to the start of the coaching session.
We would be grateful if you could complete the below link to the junior club membership form. For the safety of your child it is important that the club is informed of any medical condition or allergies that may be relevant should your child fall ill or be involved an accident whilst at the club.
If this posting has raised any questions please do not hesitate in contacting me.
Finally may I take this opportunity to wish you and your son/daughter an enjoyable summer, either watching or playing cricket and I look forward to seeing you soon.