2021 subscriptions and match fees


9 April 2021

Swardeston cricket club membership subscriptions and match fees for the 2021 season. Membership subscriptions are now due.

Membership and match fees

1. Full adult playing member – £60 if paid by 31 May, otherwise £100 and a match fee of £5*.

2. In full-time education and over 18 – £25 and a match fee of £3*.

3. Woman member – £20, a match fee of £3* and £3 for the Monday evening training session.

4. Social member – suggested £10 voluntary.

5. Junior playing member under 18 (playing open-age cricket) – £25 and a match fee of £3*.

6. All other junior members under 18 (not playing open-age cricket) – £20, a match fee of £3* and £3 for Tuesday evening coaching. 

 * the match fees are based on the the assumption there will be no organised match teas. If match teas are re-introduced match fees will revert to the 2019 rate. While it is clear that as well as no teas or hot water for showers there are still some match costs we have to meet such as the cost of the ball, ground and pitch maintenance and umpire fees in some games. Match fees will be collected on the day of the match. 

Membership subscriptions should be paid electronically using the bank details available on the membership form below.

NOTE: It is important these forms are completed in order that we have an accurate record of membership. We are not allowed, by law, to retain out of date records of membership.

Junior Membership details can be found here.


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