29 July 2020
Dear Club Member,
Swardeston cricket club membership subscriptions and match fees for the abbreviated 2020 season announced
When we announced in April that club subscriptions for 2020 were to be postponed we communicated that the club’s trustees reserved the right to consider reintroducing a revised payment if the 2020 season was able to begin.
With an abbreviated 2020 season now in place, the Trustees have agreed club membership subscriptions and match fees as follows:
Membership and match fees
Full adult membership £20 – payable by 10 August
Full adult match fees – £5
Full-time education membership – £10 payable by 10 August
Full-time education match fees – £5
Women membership £10 – payable by 10 August
Women match fees – £3
Junior membership
Playing full open-age matches – £10 payable by 10 August
Playing junior matches only – no charge
Junior match fees: full-open age – £5; junior matches only – £3.
Social member (suggested voluntary payment) – £10
Membership forms are available via the bottom of this page.
They will also be distributed on match days.
It is important these forms are completed in order that we have an accurate record of membership. We are not allowed, by law, to retain out of date records of membership. It is also important to ensure that players representing the club are bona fide 2020 members so they are covered by our club insurance policy.
Match fees – While it is clear that there are no teas or hot water for showers there are still some match costs we have to meet such as the cost of the ball, ground and pitch maintennce and umpire fees in some games.
Membership subscriptions should be paid electronically using the bank details available from team captains.
Match fees will be collected on the day of the match.
best wishes,
Stuart Bartram
For and on behalf of Swardeston Cricket Club Trustees
Swardeston CC