Volunteers needed for NatWest CricketForce 2017


Swardeston will take part in this year’s NatWest CricketForce.natwest_cricket_force

We are looking for volunteers to help us get the club’s two grounds ready for the 2017 season.

Managing the Swardeston project will be Pete Chambers who said: “Our Cricket Force day will take place on Sunday 2 April with a 9am meet for a 9.30am start.

“We have identified a number of tasks which we feel need completing and are now looking for volunteers to come along and help out.”

If you would be able to spare some hours on 2 April please register with Pete by emailing him on girlscricketsquad@gmail.com.

About NatWest Cricket Force

NatWest CricketForce is a nationwide initiative aimed at cricket clubs. The programme is designed to bring clubs and local communities closer together, and ensure grounds and facilities are ready for the new season.

CricketForce is held over one designated weekend each year as clubs work to prepare for the upcoming season. Projects range from simple paint jobs, sight screen scrubbing and renewed boundary fencing, to brand new changing rooms, function rooms and even a new pavilion.

NatWest CricketForce 2017 will take place on 1 and 2 April.



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